Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A Comment on Books to Read

I'll do the alternative energy stuff a little later. I was perusing the web and was suddenly struck that I really need to recommend a couple of books. If you are one of my attention here!! If you are a friend, well.....these are great, IMHO.

First: The Beak of the Finch, Jonathan Weiner. This book actually demonstrates how evolution occurs in response to changes in the environment. The author describes actual research that is ongoing (I think it's still ongoing) in (where else?) the Galapagos, measuring changes in beak size in populations of Darwin's finches! If you are a science person, or just don't understand how we can actually measure changes in a population of a species, this book is a must read. There are also descriptions of changes in isolated populations of fish that live in lakes left over from the melting of the glaciers.

Second: This one speaks to my spiritual side: Same Kind of Different as Me. By Ron Hall and Denver Moore. I began reading this book, thought how touching the story, then looked at the names of the authors and realized this is a true story. An international art dealer and a homeless ne're do well become friends, bonded by the love of a woman they both hold dear. I'm giving this book to several friends for Christmas.

If you peruse, leave me your suggestions!!

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